
Friday, November 29, 2013

I'm AUD..

Okay, I know I may be acting really weird on this blog. Like last week, I was apologizing for not being there last Saturday because of the insane week and freaking out over Catching Fire, which is the best movie ever. Well, When, I was apologizing, it wasn't that extreme, but I was so mega excited for Catching Fire! Who wouldn't be if we were all big fans? In "life gives you lemons", I was kind of feeling discouraged that day and well, thats were that post came in. In "Audsome?", It was probably weird when I was like "I want you to make a word for fun to describe you." I just didn't want to look selfish, plus I would like to see what you could come up with. For the first post, It probably got really cheesy at the end, when I was talking about having a journey to discover who I really am and that you, my friends, are going to be successful. The thing is, I was inspired by Kalel Cullen and she is such a role model. I want to inspired people like she inspired me and be role model, so that's why I'm being cheesy and odd aud. Hey! I'm just AUD! Bye 4 now! See you tomorrow!

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