
Saturday, November 9, 2013


What in the world? That's not even a word! In the dictionary. Audsome. For those of you who wondered, I made up this word. It is a way a describe myself. Aud (The beginning of my name and you say it like odd) + Awesome (or some) = Me! I love my name, first, last, and middle! Audrey can make a pretty awesome combination with awesome. Audsome. Sorry Sally, Salsome isn't really working. Forget it Bobby! Bobsome isn't my cup of tea. (Actually Bobsome is kind of fun to say!) But anyway, I want you to make up a word using an adjective that you would like to describe yourself and your name to make it especially for you! For example, I used awesome; or you could use cool, funny, spectacular, whatever you want; and I used the first three letters of my name. Let me know your word in the comments! I kind of thought of a schedule for this blog. I'm going to try to post at least once a week. Expect a new post every Saturday! At least you are getting a post on Saturday, but maybe one week I'll post on a Tuesday and a Saturday. (Like this week)You know what I mean? If I forget to post a Saturday, this either means
  • I'm away. Maybe I was at a sleepover party all day or at my grandparent's house or on vacation.
  • I just really forgot. We all aren't perfect. Expect a post on Sunday.
  • I have NOTHING to write about. Don't worry, I'll think of something soon the next week. 
  • I'm super busy. I just did not have enough time to make a post. 
  • There might be a big post coming up soon that will toe-tally make up for the Saturday. Something big!
  • I was abducted my aliens! SOS! 
Anyway,  Expect new posts coming soon! Bye 4 now! 

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